Food Processors and Ice Cream Machines Buying Guide

Food Processors and Ice Cream Machines

Food Processors

Every commercial kitchen needs a food processor because it multi-tasks freeing up the chef to work on other vital jobs.  A food processor can do a number of different jobs and increase kitchen productivity no end:

  • Pureeing food such as soups.
  • Grinding meat.
  • Kneading dough.
  • Mixing batter.
  • Pulverising vegetables and fruit.

Food processors are constructed with a very high performance motor, the higher the wattage the more efficient production.  There are also different types of food processors, for example, those with a bowl which instantly collects food as it is processed. Bowls are constructed out of plastic or stainless steel, the latter being far more durable and long-lasting.  There are also continuous feed food processors which make the job of adding ingredients infinitely easier because food can be dropped in during operation, cutting down on food preparation time.  Additionally there are combination food processors which have both the continuous feed function and the bowl feature.  Finally there are specialist food processors which are heavier than those mentioned and constructed out of stainless steel, these are designed for heavy-weight chopping and are capable of chopping everything from hard vegetables to meat.  They are the best option for large capacity kitchens which need something for frequent use.

There are many attachments available to add to food processors:

  • Hoppers (these hold large quantities of food before being placed into the food processor).
  • Pushers (these gadgets help the user to safely push food into the processor blades).
  • Bowls to contain the food as it is processed.
  • Discs (these are used to slice and cut vegetables and other food)
  • Julienne Discs (designed for julienne vegetables)
  • Grating Discs (for grating purposes)
  • Shredding Discs (for shredding purposes)
  • Dicing Discs (for dicing purposes)
  • French Fry Discs (for cutting the perfect French fry)
  • Crimping Disc (for crimping vegetables and fruit)
  • Pulping Disc (to pulp vegetables and fruit)
  • Whipping Disc (for cream, butter etc.)

Ice-Cream Makers

Ice-cream makers take the hard work out of making the most popular desserts and give incredible results.  Commercial kitchens are advised to have one or two of these pieces of equipment over 2 litre capacity (up to 5 litres), depending on the amount of ice-cream served.  Bucket style ice-cream makers are less expensive but compressor or automatic ice-cream makers turn over the largest quantity in the fastest time.  Freezer bowl ice-cream makers are suitable only if you have a large freezer.  Compressor and freezer bowl ice-cream makers are also suitable for making frozen yoghurt, sorbets and slushies.  When purchasing your ice-cream maker make sure there are a good variety of useful features, for example, spouts, cone holders etc. 

Bucket Type Ice-Cream makers

These are suitable for making large quantities of ice-cream at once and cut down the amount of preparation time because you don’t need to pre-freeze any ingredients.  However, they are messier than other styles of ice-cream makers and they need draining from time to time of rock salt and melting ice.  For this style of ice-cream maker it is advisable to have plenty of rock salt and ice to hand as you need to regularly replenish levels.  These are operated using hand paddles rather than motorised so they are more labour intensive than the automatic versions.

Freezer Bowl/Pre-Frozen Ice-Cream Makers

These ice-cream models use a double walled canister with a gel coolant.  The canister must be kept in the freezer for 24 hours before use which can be difficult in planning desserts.  When ready to use, the ingredients for the ice-cream recipe are simply placed in the bowl and the ice-cream maker switched on.  The machine churns the mixture which automatically freezes due to the temperature of the pre-frozen canister.  Despite needing to be pre-frozen these models are more convenient and less messy than bucket models.  They are also extremely easy to use and you don’t need to hand churn because the job is done for you. 

Full Automatic Ice-Cream Models

These are almost hands-free ice-cream models which have a built-in freezer feature so there is no need for the pre-freezing bowl action.  Simple to use, all you do is place the ingredients into the machine and switch on.  It takes up to half an hour for the ice-cream to be prepared – ready to be served.  It’s also easy to add ingredients during the process.  The biggest advantage with automatic models is that you are able to make multiple quantities without waiting time, this is the best model type for restaurants as it is ideal if you make ice-cream on a daily basis.  Automatic models tend to be more expensive and bigger but with the right space, they are able to sit neatly on a countertop.

Points to Remember:

  • Touch sensor control pads are easier to keep clean.
  • Think about how regularly you make ice-cream and buy a model accordingly.
  • Think about how much time you have to devote to ice-cream makers, a fully automatic model is the most convenient.

For further information visit the preparation equipment pages in the Catering Appliances section or contact the Alliance customer care team

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